Welcome to My Paradise
The twilight sky with a yellow sun, chattering guests
joked were enjoying the beauty sunset with a cup of coffee is always remind Putri Island Resort. Meanwhile, the Putri Island Resorts staff is busy preparing dinner at a restaurant near the beaches and sound piano and guitar twang that was delivered by a local band sounded serene add warmth and longing.
The beauty and warmth of a typical Pulau Seribu Jakarta is often expressed by the guest with the singing of Steven & Coconut Treez on the stage on restaurant
Come and take a look out through my eyes, and you Decide,
Why people act this way
Browse thieving, fighting, telling lies,
they want criticize,
and hate Each other
Natures colors all have changes somehow,
The Seas are brown,
The Skies are thick and gray
All of These Things Fell make me so down,
and think about,
-finding my own place
A Nowhere place We Can dance and drink
A Nowhere place We Can Share Some weed
A Nowhere place there's no bull shit and
E-very-body cans come
Welcome to my paradise,
Nowhere the sky so blue,
The sunshine so bright Nowhere
Welcome to my paradise,
Nowhere Can you be free,
Nowhere the parties never ending
Welcome to My Paradise, Welcome to Putri Island the paradise of Pulau Seribu, Happy Holiday
Judul: Welcome to My Paradise
Ditulis oleh Lambang Insiwarifianto
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